Glass Window Bridge
Eleuthera, The Bahamas
Coastal engineering analyses for new design of iconic bridge connecting the northern and southern ends of Eleuthera
- Coastal engineering
- Sea level rise evaluation
- Scour analysis
- Hydraulic impacts
More about the Glass Window Bridge project
The Glass Window Bridge is known for its panoramic and contrasting views of the often energetic, deep blue water of the Atlantic Ocean and the calm, turquoise waters in the protected bight. The bridge name originates from the 1885 Winslow Homer painting “Glass Window”, which illustrates the natural rock arch that preceded the man-made bridge. Cummins Cederberg is honored to be part of the selected team to undertake the design of a replacement for the existing bridge and roadway, which provides sole and critical access between the northern and southern regions of the island.
Cummins Cederberg is responsible for the coastal engineering analyses to support the new design, which includes an evaluation of the impacts of sea level rise, design winds and waves for extreme conditions, along with overtopping, scour and other hydraulic impacts. A critical component of the analysis is addressing the presently unsafe conditions encountered during heightened wave activity for vehicles and pedestrians. Through innovative analysis techniques and a collaborative design effort, the proposed bridge will offer increased safety and more consistent operation.