Dania Beach Marina Flushing Analysis


Dania Beach Marina, Florida


Analysis of water circulation and residence time within the marina basin


  • Tides and current measurements
  • Flushing analysis
  • Regulatory permitting consultation

More about the Dania Beach Marina Flushing Analysis project

Cummins Cederberg was retained to analyze the water circulation and residence time within the basin of the Dania Beach Marina.  The existing marina had deteriorated, and redevelopment of the marina and waterfront was proposed. If the water flow proved insignificant, the proposed redevelopment would be in jeopardy. The redevelopment included increasing the size and number of slips, but the FDEP would not allow the project to move forward unless it could be documented there would be no adverse impacts to water quality.

Cummins Cederberg is highly experienced in analyzing water flow and residence time and communicated directly with FDEP’s hydraulic experts. Numerous marina projects in Florida have historically been denied on this basis. Detailed current and tides measurements were performed to form the foundation of the subsequent analysis. Current measurements were obtained strategically to assess the internal flow pattern and identify potential stagnant areas.

A flushing analysis was conducted to estimate the turn-over time for the marina basin. The flushing time is typically FDEP’s primary parameter when evaluating potential adverse impacts. In addition to assessing the water flow within the marina basin, the water flow within the adjacent Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) was assessed. The rapid flow in the ICW generates local eddies of significant importance for the water exchange in the marina basin. Based on Cummins Cederberg’s analysis and direct communication with regulatory staff, the FDEP approved the project within the tight project schedule.

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